Sunday, March 28, 2010

Term 2

This week we learned something new. We were suppose to act out a scene of Macbeth. So on Friday Ms Malyana asked us to walk with different speeds. Speed 1 to 5. 1 is the slowest while 5 is the fastest. We also learned about space. We are not suppose to cramp together while acting. We need space in order for the audience to see us acting out the character given.

We are suppose to walk as a child, gangster and grandparents. When acting as a child, I skipped around the classroom lightly. When acting as a gangster, I walked showing I have the power t control everything with my hands swinging widely. Acting as a grandparents, I walked slowly, holding an invisible walking stick. As grandparents are usually weak. From here, I am a little bit prepared to act out a scene of Macbeth.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Last week during lit lesson we learnt about LOVE.

There are different type of love.

-Eros: passionate

-Philia: Brotherhood and friendship involves loyalty to friends, family and community.

-Agape : A divine, unconditional and self-sacrificing affection. The highest and purest form of love.

We need to write 10 names and qualities about our classmates.

So with the time given we go around ant wrote down about the qualities of each other.

Love is ...

Love is like a flower, beautiful and rare

Love is special feeling, none other can compare

Love is like a magician, cloaked in mystery

Love can help illuminate things we cannot see

Love is like a fuzzy sweater, it warms us deep inside

Love is all around us, it leaves no place to hide

Love is precious gift: simple clear and true

Love is at its best when it reaches out for you.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

On Monday, Miss Malyana teaches us, we were suppose to get in groups of 4 or 3. So my group mates is Shafiqah and Afrina. We were given a Rhyme Scheme wrote by Shakespeare. My group mates including me were frustrated because we cannot solve the poem. But we did not give up and keep on trying. So at last we got to solve the poem.

On Wednesday we had literature remedial. The NA students proceed to the NE library at 2.30 pm. We watched the video of Merchant of Venice. Before the video started we were given 2 worksheets. One of them, were were suppose to create 4 questions for either Merchant of Venice or Romeo and Juliet. Another one is we were suppose to do the character trait of Antonio, Portia, Shylock and Bassanio. So were were group differently with 2 thinking.

On Friday, Mr Chua brought us outside of our classroom for us to test each other. It is above the Indian corner. Were were suppose to have a pair to test each other. Mr Chua said the longest hair test first. So Shafiqah test me first. After testing me, I tested her, the she grade my questions and I grade hers. Second partner must be from a different races. So I work in pair with Rachel.The smallest feet test first. After we tested each other and grade each other questions.
So everyone, good luck for Literature test :D