On Friday.... Mr Chua told us about the test coming up. Oh no...
So on Friday, Mr Chua go through with us the worksheet he gave last week. He called out some people to answer some questions. After going through the paper, we recall again the about Shylock punishment.
-waive the fine which replaced the confiscation of half his fortune
-leave all his possesses at his death to his son-in-law Lorenzo, and his daughter
-become a Christian immediately
Maybe waive the fine which replaced the confiscation of half hi fortune and leave all his possesses at his death to his son-in-law Lorenzo, and his daughter is okay. Antonio asked Shylock to leave all his possesses at his death to his son-in-law Lorenzo, and his daughter because he knew Shylock hate his son-in-law cause he is a Christian. So they married and his daughter run away from home.
But asking Shylock to be a Christian immediately is a bit harsh for me.
My opinion
Asking someone to change his/her religion is wrong. Even though Antonio hate Shylock, he must not asked Shylock to change his religion. Let someone have its own religion. Both of them have their gods to worship.
After Mr Chua gave a worksheet, Buddhist, Taoist leaders accept pastor's apology we need to give our opinion if someone insult our religion what should we do? Forgive and forget, insult their religion back or bring this matter to the court.
My opinion
I think that we should forgive and forget. If the person who insult our religion apologize SINCERELY. If not maybe we can bring this matter to the court. We as a Buddhist, Islam, Taoist or Hindu have our own god that we worship. Even tough we are not from the same religion we should respect each other religion.
In Singapore, we live peace and harmony. Because the Singaporeans know how to respect each other religion. I wish there is no such cases in Singapore about someone insulting each other religions's.
Thats all i want to reflect :D
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