Friday, February 12, 2010

This week lesson, about: Does Shylock have the right to cut 1 pound of Antonio's flesh? and Is Shylock a villain or heroin?

Obviously Shylock have the right to cut 1 pound of Antonio's flesh because Antonio did not paid the money he loaned from Shylock on time. Shylock hate Antonio because Antonio called Shylock a misbeliever, cut-throat dog, and spit upon Shylock's Jewish clothes, all because he use what money he owned to do business.

If this case were to happened in Singapore, Shylock will be a villain. Because cutting 1 pound of flesh is still considered a murder. They will be charge in the jail for certain number of years or for their entire life or hang or sentenced to death.

For me, I think that Shylock can search for any other ways to solve this problem. Why Shylock doesn't want to take the money although it is offered three times the amount that Antonio loan? The reason in the story is like what I mention at the second paragraph :)

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